We support the educational, health and human service needs of children ages 5-12 years old who live in underserved communities of Guyana, SA
Founded and Incorporated October 6, 2006, Greenlight Guyana Educational Project, Incorporated is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization based in New York City. Consultants volunteer, cater to, and support the educational, health and human service needs of children, ages 5-12, who live in the rural and impoverished communities of Bagotville, Nismes and LaRetraite of Guyana, South America. Salome Osborne, President, and native to Guyana, South America, has independently underwritten and made several trips to Guyana to assess the culture and climate of the schools in all three communities.
Our targeted population of approximately 500 students resides in the rural and impoverished villages of Bagotville, Nismes and LaRetraite. While these students are enthusiastic about going to school and are eager to learn, they are handicapped by their socio-economic circumstances. School clothing and school supplies are inadequate and in many instances, non-existent. On one hand, teachers are able to find appropriate and tangible teaching tools, on the other hand they oftentimes have no students in the classroom to teach.
During a visit to the target area schools in September 2006, the beginning of the new school year, we were struck by the 30 percent student return rate, the poor state of the playgrounds, and lack of running water, indoor plumbing and electricity. We were moved to action and spoke with teachers, parents and guardians at length to determine how we could help.
Out of those meetings, we heard the most daunting accounts of survival and the challenges to provide their children and charges with uniforms, footwear, school supplies and regular meals. Upon our return to New york, we established the GreenLight Guyana Educational Project, Inc. to engage in fund raising activities and solicit doantions to provide resources so that the children who attend Bagotville, Nismes and LaRetraite Primary Schools, are able to stay in school and have at least one meal per day.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead